Looking back on local music in a decade or so – bands like Twerps will play a major role in the storyline. Recalling the classic Antipodean indie pop of the 80s – a band making a punk approach at folky pop songs; this is what Twerps do. It’s a familiar sound amongst local bands now but back when they formed in 2008 it was starkly original. The local scene at the time had a lot of loud angry guitar music and syncopated drum beats; enter a band recalling Forster/McLennan and the Kilgour Brothers.
They found kindred spirits with Dick Diver locally while American band Real Estate invited them to tour with them home and abroad.
They recently signed to the beyond-legendary MERGE record label. We can see it now – Twerps kicking back at the Grammys with new label mates Arcade Fire.
2015 will open a new chapter for them, and we are proud to help kick off proceedings, Saturday afternoon.